Monday, July 1, 2024
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Complete a short survey for a chance to win a $200 Amazon gift card!


We’re a market research firm exploring the attitudes and opinions of Canadians. Your opinions matter to us! Below you’ll find three active surveys:

  • A survey focused on your next vehicle purchase
  • A survey on dining out at restaurants
  • A survey on marijuana/THC use

Complete any of the three short surveys and you’ll be entered in our contest to win a $200 Amazon gift card. You’ll get one entry per survey, so complete all three to increase your odds of winning. But first a few notes:

  • It’s important that you answer honestly. The integrity of our data is important to us, so please answer as correctly as possible
  • There are no wrong or right answers, and each answer is valuable to us. Again, honesty is most important
  • We do not share your personal information with anyone, period.

Your Next Vehicle

Canadians and Dining Out

Selected Value: 0

Marijuana Use in Canada

How has your use of THC or CBD products changed your spending on other substances?

Want some easy, additional ways to win?

During the contest period, any new fans, followers, and friends on social media will be added to the draw as additional entries! If you follow us on multiple social media platforms, you’ll automatically have bonus entries for the contest draw! You’ll find our social links on the homepage, as well as the header and footer throughout the site. But for even easier reference, here they are: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), YouTube, Threads, LinkedIn.

Contest Rules

  • You must be a Canadian citizen or resident
  • You must be 18 years of age or older
  • One entry per person per survey. Additional entries will be granted to new friends/followers on social media.
  • The contest is open until midnight, July 15, 2024. The winner will be notified by July 31, 2024.
  • You must provide a valid email address – otherwise, we can’t contact you if you win!

This contest conforms to our privacy policy and terms of use.

Previous Winners

Christa – Kitchener, Ontario

Christa told us we made her day when we notified her that she’d won an Amazon gift card.

contest winner picture

Paul – Abbotsford, BC

Paul told us he’d be using his prize money for some home renovations. Best of luck with your projects, Paul!

Sylvie – Montreal, QC

“What?! I never win anything!” was what Sylvie said when we informed her she was our contest winner. Never say never, Sylvie!